Guzhen Company Supports Construction of the Guzhen Version of ‘Huoshenshan Hospital’

Source:     Date: 2020-02-14

On the afternoon of January 31, CECEP Guzhen Company received a notice that required it to secure emergency water supply for a provisional hospital under construction in Guzhen County, Anhui Province, no later than February 1. Dubbed the Guzhen version of Wuhan’s Huoshenshan Hospital, the hospital would be used to treat COVID-19 patients. 

As soon as they received the notice, CECEP Guzhen Company sent technicians to conduct field surveys to draft out a construction blueprint. At 7:30 a.m., on February 1, the company dispatched two construction teams, with one rushing to the warehouse to get needed materials and the other directly going to the construction site to dig pipeline tunnels. Installers transported water pipelines and equipment to the construction site as quickly as possible. Installation was completed at 8 p.m. on the same day, ensuring tap water access to the hospital especially its fever patient isolation wards on time. 


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