Liu Jiaqiang Conducts Research at China Geo-engineering Corporation Sri Lanka Branch

Source:     Date: 2024-08-26

From August 24 to 26, Liu Jiaqiang, General Manager of CECEP, conducted a research visit to the Sri Lanka branch of China Geo-engineering Corporation.

Liu received a briefing on the branch's work and listened to feedback from staff on the company’s reform and development. He acknowledged the efforts and achievements of the branch in recent years and outlined requirements for future work. Liu emphasized the importance of operating in compliance with laws and regulations, fully implementing national policies on overseas operations. He called for increased market development, innovative thinking and localized operations to steadily enhance the branch's independent capabilities in the international market. Liu also stressed the need for meticulous management, adherence to the group’s Quality and Efficiency Improvement Year initiatives, and stronger cost control throughout project cycles to boost profitability. He underscored the importance of risk management, including thorough safety risk assessments, quality control and safe production practices, while maintaining strict anti-corruption measures to deliver high-quality, community-focused projects.

During the visit, Liu also inspected the AFD Phase II sewage project, received an update on its progress, conducted an on-site inspection, and held discussions with the project team.

Key officials from the Group’s Cooperation and Technology departments, along with senior leaders from China Geo-engineering Corporation, participated in the meetings.

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