China-Aided Moheli Island Road Project in Comoros Is Officially Completed by China Geo-Engineering Corporation

Source:     Date: 2024-06-18

On the afternoon of June 7 local time, the completion ceremony for the China-aided Moheli Island Road Project in Comoros, undertaken by China Geo-Engineering Corporation (“China Geo”), was held in Nioumachoua, Comoros. Comorian President Azali Assoumani and Chinese Ambassador to Comoros Guo Zhijun attended the ceremony and jointly cut the ribbon to inaugurate the project. Li Bozhi, General Manager of China Geo Madagascar Branch Company, was invited to participate the event.

At the ceremony, President Azali Assoumani expressed his sincere gratitude to the Chinese government and his respect for the high-quality completion of the road construction by China Geo. He emphasized that the repair and expansion of infrastructure to continuously support economic operations is essential for the social and economic development and rise of Comoros. As one of the most important transportation hubs in Comoros, the Moheli Island Road Project will not only address the new demands of local transportation development and alleviate the traffic difficulties in the southern and eastern parts of Moheli Island but also create more jobs and provide valuable support for the country’s economic development.

Ambassador Guo Zhijun remarked that the project is a high-level, high-standard, and high-quality road. It is a road of friendship, carrying the profound friendship between the peoples of China and Comoros; a road of cooperation, resulting from the joint efforts and sincere collaboration of the governments of both countries; a road of development, aimed at providing assistance for the economic and social development of Moheli Island; and a road of happiness, hoping to bring happiness to the residents of Moheli Island.

Moheli Island, part of the Comoros archipelago, saw the official start of the project on July 27, 2022, spanning 18 kilometers to connect Vanani and Nioumachoua. The project faced significant challenges due to scarce local construction resources and heavy reliance on imported materials. To overcome these obstacles, the technical team implemented rigorous organization and management practices. They strategically scheduled construction activities, optimized local advantages, ensured timely resource supply, adjusted plans dynamically, and promptly addressed any resource deviations. These efforts enabled simultaneous progress in quality management and production, ensuring efficient project advancement. The project was completed two months ahead of schedule with consistently high quality and quantity, earning praise from both the local government and residents. This achievement underscores the professional, standardized, and efficient approach of Chinese central state-owned enterprises in implementing aid projects, thereby enhancing bilateral friendship between China and Comoros.

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