Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga Inspects Tongan Royal Mausoleum Project Performed by CECEP China Qiyuan Engineering Corporation

Source:     Date: 2024-06-18

On June 12th, Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni of the Kingdom of Tonga visited the China-aided project for the renovation of the peripheral area of the Tongan Royal Mausoleum, which involves design and management tasks performed by CECEP China Qiyuan Engineering Corporation.

Prime Minister Sovaleni received a briefing from the project management team, expressed satisfaction with the overall progress, thanked the Chinese government for its assistance, praised the design plan by CECEP China Qiyuan Engineering Corporation, and extended his regards to the Chinese staff.

Recently, with close cooperation from all parties involved, the project successfully completed the construction of the parking lot and sidewalks ahead of schedule, providing crucial support for the upcoming birthday celebration of the King of Tonga.

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